Our daily routine we are use CELL phone , Nowadays our morning  with cell phone , We are just talk our assistance and ask them our business meet, our products, our offices situation ,and etc Infect the cell is not use in huge business men but cell phone is mostly use in sweepers , sweepers just call him/her boss and ask will him/her work do .....Means cell phone is not difficult to use its very simple  or easy to use every one and its not costly its very smallest amount that every one has parchesed that , and its not only for qualified men its use every one but the use between qualified and uneducated  people ,
1. The qualified  men will use cell phone in best work to do , good jobs , and our positives points .
                                                      2. The  uneducated men will use cell phone bed work like kidnapping, thief's work and etc 
so cell phone is use more more and more types and situation and kinds we are not talk about advantage and disadvantage we are talk just kind's of cell phone how many cell phone are generate and how are use carefully . which is  best kind of cell phone and which is best cell phone for our present .etc 

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